Property and Casualty Insurance – A Complete Guide for 2021

Property and Casualty Insurance – A Complete Guide for 2021

Protection against loss is critical for everything you do, including running your own business or earning money from a side hustle. The primary tool for mitigating business risks is property and casualty insurance. This post will talk about the most important types of property and casualty insurance for small businesses and side hustles. These coverages include business owners (with key components – auto, liability, and property), professional liability, workers’ compensation, and fidelity and surety bonds. In this post, I’ll highlight the coverage provided by each type of business insurance.

12 Money Habits of Highly Effective Couples

12 Money Habits of Highly Effective Couples

First comes love, then comes commitment, then comes financial partnership. Individuals who come into a relationship with solid money habits have an advantage, but to make love work, it’s essential to merge skills to make the most of dual incomes and hit shared goals and dreams.  Financial planning can be a source of frustration and friction when you have different attitudes toward saving and spending or aren’t sure where your money should be going. Being a financially effective couple has nothing to do with being rich. It has to do with managing the money you have and allocating it effectively toward the things you value and want to do in life. It also comes from knowing you and your partner’s money stories and money personalities. In this post, we will talk about 11 habits that can help you become one of those couples that “have it together” when it comes to their money — and tips on how to get there.

What is Current Ratio and Why Does It Matter?

What is Current Ratio and Why Does It Matter?

Running out of cash can be a frightening experience. It is one thing when you are in a restaurant, and you leave your wallet at home. However, it can be quite stressful to realize you have a potential cash flow problem coming down the pike. To avoid liquidity problems in good or bad times, the current ratio is among the best ways to measure your family’s ability to pay debt obligations within a year. In this blog post, we will deep dive on the subject of “current ratio”.

Top 20 Best Stay at Home Mom Jobs

Top 20 Best Stay at Home Mom Jobs

Are you a stay at home mom who needs or wants to work as well? Here are some great side stay at home mom jobs that all share one thing: flexibility. These are all great jobs you can do while also being an awesome mom. I know that being a stay at home mom isn’t easy. I also know that sometimes you need to work as well as being a stay at home or homeschooling mom. In this blog post, we will explore some of these options.

35 Easy Ways to Generate Passive Income in 2020

35 Easy Ways to Generate Passive Income in 2020

Passive income is defined as income that requires minimal effort—or perhaps even zero effort—to earn. Passive income typically enables your money to work for you. It’s a “work smarter, not harder” situation. Stop letting your money stagnate in a bank account and lose its spending power. Some of these next passive income ideas will get you ready to invest in your future. Passive income means you want to start valuing your time and your money.

10 Ways to Easily Save Thousands This Fall (Each One Takes Less Than 30 Minutes)

10 Ways to Easily Save Thousands This Fall (Each One Takes Less Than 30 Minutes)

While most of us have our own personal and specific financial goals, we also share many common goals and generally want similar outcomes when it comes to money. We want to earn more money. We want to retire at a reasonable age. We want to improve the relationship we have with our money. And we want to find ways to manage our money better and save as much of it as we possibly can. This blog post lists out 10 easy and proven ways to save a substantial amount using quick strategies.